[Video] Racist Woman Gets Taste Slapped Out Of Mouth By Fed-Up Guy


She obviously thought it was a game. However, she was left EXTRA quiet and holding her face once the man had enough of her blatant disrespect. NEW YORK, NEW YORK — When will folks learn the offensive severity of the word “n***er”? Some people think they’re untouchable, only to find out they’re just an arm’s reach away. That’s what happened to this woman. The woman slurringly yells at a man, calling him the N-word. While the man was on the phone, she targeted him. For her, it only intensifies. So, the man gets up. He’s getting ready to let her have it. While she attempted to embarrass and degrade him by constantly throwing the N-word, she ended up going silent after his hand connected with her face one good time. And, it was quite the blow to her ego. She sounded drunk. That probably sobered her up a little. Now…we don’t condone a man hitting a woman. Yet, do you think she deserved it? WARNING: The following video contains sensitive material. Viewer discretion is advised.

Woman Gets Slapped II

Woman Gets Slapped III

Read more at: https://www.theblackloop.com/woman-gets-slapped/?src=dl

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