The complete story of the alleged feud between the Royal couples


    By Rachel Monday – May 28, 2019

    The complete story of the alleged feud between the Royal couples

    The Royal Family has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons lately, and it’s time to get to the bottom of what is truly going on. There were many theories as to what was causing the trouble between the two royal couples.

    Was it all Meghan’s fault for breaking protocol and driving a wedge between Prince Harry and Prince William? Was it a natural drifting apart of adult brothers? Was there even a feud to begin with? According to a number of experts, the source of this feud might be entirely different than expected. Stay tuned…

    Feud rumors flying

    When Meghan Markle was still just Prince Harry’s girlfriend, she met his royal family – including Prince William and Kate Middleton. Things seemed to be going well for the couple in the beginning, but rumors soon began flying about a feud between the two couples – and specifically between Meghan and Kate.

    Feud rumors flying

    While people tend to believe the feud began with the two duchesses, it seems that William and Harry might be the ones who started this whole thing after all. Following their disagreement, tension continued to rise within the Royal Family… but what exactly happened?

    The Fab Four

    Fans of the Royal Family had long enjoyed watching Prince William, Kate Middleton, and Prince Harry together. William and Harry were quite close growing up, and had forged an even deeper bond following their mother’s passing. Nobody knew how their relationship would change once the brothers fell in love and started families of their own, though.

    The Fab Four

    First on the scene, Kate seemed to slide easily into the mix, and even though she was William’s wife, she and Harry had a close bond of their own. The three musketeers were always attending events together, goofing around, and making us all smile. So when Prince Harry began a serious relationship with Meghan Markle, everyone hoped that she too would fit right in.

    A new addition

    Meghan Markle certainly wasn’t the usual addition to the Royal Family. For starters, she comes from the United States and wasn’t born into the upper class either. She used her intelligence and fierce determination to make her own way in the world, becoming a moderately successful actress when she landed the role of Rachel Zane on the law drama Suits.

    A new addition

    As a divorced career woman of mixed heritage, Meghan had a very different life experience than the other members of the Royal Family. From a young age, Meghan was a strong advocate for women’s rights, and this outlook is another aspect that doesn’t comfortably fit with the old-fashioned monarchy. So perhaps it’s not too surprising that all did not go smoothly.ADVERTISEMENT

    Dueling Duchesses

    After the lavish Royal Wedding in May, 2018, rumors of a feud between Meghan and Kate quickly picked up speed. Kate was pregnant with her third child in the months leading up to the wedding, and did not necessarily have the time or energy to spend on bonding with her soon to be sister-in-law.

    Dueling Duchesses

    Stories came to light about Kate chastising Meghan for the way that she spoke to the staff and of Meghan pushing Kate to tears during a dress fitting for Princess Charlotte. A space appeared to be opening up between the Royal couples. Many people blamed Meghan for tearing William and Harry apart, but that wasn’t the whole story.ADVERTISEMENT

    Bitter brothers

    It wasn’t just Meghan and Kate that didn’t seem to be getting along – William and Harry had stopped making joint appearances and weren’t joking around with each other as they used to. For so long people were sure that the feud was between Meghan and Kate, but now the story seemed to be changing. Was something deeper going on between the Princes?

    Bitter brothers

    The couples appeared together on Christmas, looking like one happy family, but as body language experts got involved, it became clear that all was not well between William and Harry. Then, when the announcement came that they were splitting their estates, there seemed to be no question that something was wrong. So what really happened?

    William’s worries

    Apparently, the source of the feud goes back to the first time that Prince William met Meghan Markle. Harry brought his girlfriend home to meet the family, an event that is never easy, especially not when they are Royals.

    William’s worries

    William saw how smitten William and Meghan seemed to be, and understood that the relationship was headed toward marriage. He was concerned, however, that the new couple was taking things too fast, and he voiced those thoughts to his brother. Needless to say, it didn’t go over well.

    A protective Prince

    When William warned Harry about moving too quickly with Meghan and articulated his doubts about the relationship, Harry was not happy. He saw his brother’s words as a slight to Meghan, and felt attacked and insulted.

    A protective Prince

    It’s been noted that Harry is extremely protective of Meghan, perhaps because he was not able to protect his mother when he was a child. So when William did not welcome the actress with open arms, Harry felt the need to stand up for Meghan.

    The Royal Wedding

    According to some reports, Prince Charles had to step in to tell William to be more welcoming to Meghan. When Harry and Meghan announced their engagement in November 2017, William and Kate said that they were thrilled.

    The Royal Wedding

    The Cambridges even invited Harry and Meghan to spend Christmas with them. And when the Royal Wedding rolled around, William was Harry’s best man. However, it was later revealed that Kate was left in tears after a dress fitting for Princess Charlotte. She had just given birth, though, so was understandably emotional.


    Less than a year after Meghan and Harry made it official, they were ready to take the next step. In October, 2018, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced that they were expecting a baby, and the whole world turned their attention to Meghan’s growing baby bump.


    When Kate heard the news, she gushed with excitement, saying that she couldn’t wait for her children to have a cousin to play with. Perhaps things weren’t so strained between the couples. At least Kate didn’t seem to feel animosity toward her sister-in-law.

    Moving out

    Then, at the end of October, the news broke that Prince William and Prince Harry, who for so long had been a double-act, were splitting their households and going their separate ways.

    Moving out

    This was big news, and some people saw it as confirmation that the feud between the Royal couples was progressing. Perhaps the couples were putting space between them to ease the tension. Harry and Meghan would move to Windsor, while William and Kate would remain at Kensington Palace.

    Growing pains

    Other Royal experts disagreed, saying that the split between William and Harry was a natural part of growing up. When they were young and single, the Princes were happy to conduct business together, leaning on each other for support.

    Growing pains

    Now, however, they are adults with families of their own. It only makes sense that they should have their own households. In addition, William has a different path than his brother, as he is a direct heir to the throne. The time had simply come for the Princes to become independent.

    Breaking protocol

    Another cause of tension in the Royal Family was Meghan’s constant challenging of tradition and breaking of protocol. From her background to her fashion choices, Meghan Markle wasn’t having an easy time fitting into the traditional framework of the Royal Family.

    Breaking protocol

    She wore dresses that showed off her shoulders, neglected the mandatory stockings, and wore dark nail polish to events. The tabloids bashed the Duchess, calling her difficult and demanding, too. Adjusting to Royal life was proving to be quite a challenge.

    A big adjustment

    Even though Meghan was used to the spotlight from her days as an actress, it was nothing compared to the media beating she was taking now. And being a member of the Royal Family comes with a lot of rules, too.

    A big adjustment

    Apparently, Kate helped Meghan adjust to her new life, helping her with fashion decisions and teaching her how she should stand at Royal events. But the women still didn’t seem to be friends and some people thought that it was all part of the feud.

    Different people

    As more stories came out of the Palace, another narrative took the place of the dueling Duchesses tale. Perhaps Meghan and Kate weren’t enemies – but they weren’t close friends either.

    Different people

    The two women come from very different backgrounds, and have very different ways of seeing the world. The independent, American actress is a far cry from the upper-class British nobility, and it’s unlikely that the two will see eye-to-eye on everything. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t get along.

    Visible tensions

    The rumors of a feud between Meghan and Kate were soon replaced by tales of discord between William and Harry. Everyone loved thinking of the two Princes as inseparable pals, but the truth is that all brothers fight sometimes, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    Visible tensions

    At times, it seemed that William was acting coldly toward Meghan, and the Fab Four rarely attended joint engagements. But when they were together, Kate and Meghan put on a united front, doing their best to put an end to the rumors.

    Another rumor

    In the midst of the feud rumors, William and Kate found themselves in the middle of another controversy. There were reports that William had cheated on Kate with one of her best friends.

    Another rumor

    While these have never been confirmed, people started to think that maybe this was the explanation for the tension between William and Harry. If Harry knew that William had been unfaithful, he likely would have been furious with his brother. That could explain the rift, too.

    Sticking together

    Throughout these nasty rumors, Meghan was reported to stick up for Kate, and apparently, when Meghan was going through some tough times with her own family before her wedding, Kate was there for her as well.

    Sticking together

    These two women are the only ones who understand what it’s like to marry into British Royalty in this day and age, so it’s in their best interest to stick together. As the tabloids continue to print stories about a schism between William and Harry, the Duchesses might even be trying to make peace.

    Body language

    Then, shortly before Meghan and Harry’s baby was born, a public appearance by the Princes seemed to confirm that they weren’t on good terms. At the family’s annual Easter service in April, William and Harry seemed to be actively ignoring each other.

    Body language

    In fact, they weren’t seen speaking at all, and they arrived and left separately. At one point, Harry exchanged a smile and words with Kate, but didn’t extend the pleasantries to William. It certainly looked awkward, and body language experts agreed that Harry was avoiding his brother.

    Harry and Kate

    A few days later, Harry and Kate appeared together at the Anzac Day event, since William was overseas and Meghan was heavily pregnant at home. Harry and Kate seemed to be at ease with each other, laughing and smiling as they used to.

    Harry and Kate

    This was further confirmation that Kate was not part of the feud going on between the brothers. Many people were hopeful that this was a sign that things were improving between the couples. Perhaps Harry and Kate would be able to make peace.

    Making peace

    Stories started coming out that Kate was doing all she could to repair the relationship between her husband and her brother-in-law. She is thought to have suggested that Harry extend an “olive branch” to William, and it’s possible that he already has.

    Making peace

    The Cambridges visited the pregnant Meghan at her and Harry’s new home to check in on her and express their support. Now that Meghan and Harry have a baby of their own, everyone hopes the brothers’ relationship is on the mend.

    Always in the spotlight

    It’s true that brothers fight, and Royal brothers are no exception. Harry was hurt when William didn’t welcome Meghan into the family with the warmth he expected, and it seems that their relationship has been strained ever since.

    Always in the spotlight

    The constant media attention doesn’t help either. What started as rumors of a feud between Kate and Meghan became more reliable tales of a falling out between Princes. Now, the Royal couples have the challenge of making up despite the pressure of the constant spotlight.

    Hope for the future

    There is some hope that Meghan and Harry’s small son might help the families reach an agreement as the couples bond over parenthood.

    Hope for the future

    However, reports that Meghan, Harry, and baby Archie might move to Africa for a while worry some fans, since a greater distance between the Cambridges and the Sussexes won’t help mend their relationship. Still, we hope that we will soon see Archie playing with Prince Louis while William, Harry, Kate, and Meghan, share a joke nearby.


    Another problem brewing between the Royal couples is due to the competition between them. Since they are always in the public eye, their lives themselves have become something of a popularity contest.


    Ever since Meghan Markle joined the Royal Family, the attention of the public has turned away from Prince William and Kate Middleton and toward Meghan and Prince Harry. People are always talking about which couple is more popular, and that can’t be good for their relationship.

    A six-month break

    Things between the Royal couples deteriorated so much leading up to Meghan and Harry’s wedding that apparently the Cambridges and Sussexes did not see each other for six months following the event.

    A six-month break

    Six months is a long time for brothers to go without seeing each other, especially because they were living in very close proximity in Kensington. If these rumors are true, it means that the couples were actively avoiding each other. These reports are making people think that the feud was even worse than they previously thought.

    Waiting a week

    Another interesting episode occurred shortly after the birth of Meghan and Harry’s son Archie. Even though William and Kate congratulated the new parents, they didn’t meet their new nephew for a whole week after he was born.

    Waiting a week

    Meghan’s mother Doria was present for the birth, and the Queen, Prince Charles, and Duchess Camilla all met the baby shortly afterward. Only William and Kate waited the extra time before visiting Meghan, Harry, and Archie. Some people think that this proves that things are not back on track between the couples.

    Their joint charity

    A recent, surprising move is all the confirmation some people need to announce the end of the “fab four.” Harry and Meghan have broken away from The Royal Foundation, a charity that Harry and William founded together ten years ago.

    Their joint charity

    The Sussexes reportedly want more “flexibility” than they are permitted while partnering with Prince William, the future King. Despite this new split, however, sources report that the relationship between William and Harry has indeed improved since their households went their separate ways.

    A number of things

    The real feud between the Royal couples seems to be, at its core, about a rift between brothers. Princes William and Harry are two different people with different responsibilities who are going to live very different lives.

    A number of things

    According to one Royal expert, the brothers had fallen out “over a number of things.” These included money, status, and of course, Meghan Markle. In the end, it seems that the Cambridges and the Sussexes are two adult couples who have decided for a number of reasons to go their separate ways.

    Breaking away

    We live in a world where social media reigns supreme, and it seems as though this is even the case when it comes to the Royal Family. Throughout their relationship and their engagement, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry joined the Kensington Palace Instagram page with Kate Middleton and Prince William.

    Breaking away

    The profile was dedicated to the two couples, and allowed fans to keep up with their lives respectively. However, this all changed when Meghan and Harry decided to break away and start a new online trend…

    Their own profile

    In April 2019, Meghan and Harry opted to remove themselves from the Kensington Palace Instagram umbrella, so that they could have their own little slice of the internet. Their former page was transformed into one solely dedicated to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and Meghan and Harry adopted a new profile called @sussexroyal.

    Their own profile

    This led many fans to believe the rumors that their feud had reached boiling point. After all, what’s so bad about sharing an Instagram page? It was obviously just too much for the couple to bear.

    Reviewing their work

    However, it seems as though their social media presence isn’t the only thing that the two feuding houses want to keep separate. In June 2019, Kensington Palace reported that the house of Cambridge and the house of Sussex would be reviewing their joint work efforts in terms of their charities and their organizations.

    Reviewing their work

    From the sound of it, the couples are trying to avoid working with each other at all. This doesn’t bode well for the Royal Family as a whole, as a feud between two of the most important couples could end in disaster.

    Going quiet

    Now that Markle is on maternity leave, there is a high chance that rumors of their feud could go quiet. After all, Harry and Meghan have taken a leave of absence from their royal duties and are now spending more and more time with their newborn.

    Going quiet

    In fact, they are now miles away from where Kate and William reside in Kensington Palace. Without any form of direct contact with each other in terms of their media presence, we can’t help but wonder if time and distance will make the heart grow fonder – or deepen their feud.

    Baby number two?

    Although Meghan has only just had her first baby, all eyes are now on the Duchess of Sussex to welcome another royal baby into their brood. This is largely because Meghan and Kate have been pitted against each other throughout their lives in the limelight, and they will always be compared to each other.

    Baby number two?

    In the eyes of many royal fans, Kate will always have the upper hand for as long as she has more children than Meghan. So, will this spur Meghan on to have a few more kids?

    Regain their popularity

    Meghan and Harry just recently went on their tour of Africa, something that certain members of the Royal Family are obligated to do. Although Meghan once again broke royal protocol by hugging people, the duo seemed to have received extremely high praise from the locals.

    Regain their popularity

    This positive feedback seems as though the tides have turned for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The media loves to create drama, but hopefully Harry and Meghan can generate enough positivity in the world that the media will just leave them live their lives.

    Hope for the future

    It is Royal Family policy to never comment on the supposed drama occurring in their family. While everyone seems to love it when the Dukes and the Duchesses are fighting, we hope that one this family can learn to get along.

    Hope for the future

    Adding a new addition to the family, as Harry did with Meghan, is never an easy adjustment. Nevertheless, it seems as though there is definitely reason to hope that things will change for better in the near future.

    Who’s in the driver’s seat?

    When Meghan and Harry traveled to Africa, they likely thought it’d allow them some time away from the constant limelight – perhaps to recover from the constant media frenzy around them. That, sadly, turned out not to be the case.

    Who’s in the driver’s seat?

    During the trip, they were followed by a film crew for a documentary titled Meghan and Harry: An African Journey. Having watched it, body language experts said it seemed like Meghan was the “driving force” in the relationship, as she both answered questions they were asked first and finished Harry’s sentences. Could it be that the Prince, despite his royal-born status, was not in control?

    Harry confirms the feud is real

    Despite Meghan seemingly leading the way, Harry did answer some questions of his own – and his answers were nothing less than explosive! Asked point blank about his alleged feud with Prince William on the documentary, Harry said that with the pressures of the Royal Family, “inevitably, stuff happens.”

    Harry confirms the feud is real

    While they’ll always be brothers, he added, they were on different paths at the moment. While he said the press often made something out of nothing, he did concede that as brothers, they did have good days and bad days. Was this his way of confirming the feud? His father certainly thought so…

    Charles reportedly irate

    Harry’s statements regarding his relationship with William may have been somewhat ambiguous, but they were reportedly enough to make at least one royal lose it. According to reports in the British press, Prince Charles was furious that Harry was airing the Royal Family’s dirty laundry so publicly.

    Charles reportedly irate

    Not only that, but he is said to have thought that it served as a distraction, taking attention away from William and Kate’s tour of Pakistan and his own visit to Japan. However, he was still his father, and was said to be concerned for him as he was for Diana.

    Kate plays peacemaker

    It seems like Harry and Meghan’s documentary continued making ripples in the Royal Family, with Harry speaking about his strained relationship with William and Meghan about the struggles she’s had acclimating to royal life.

    Kate plays peacemaker

    One royal touched by all this is Kate, as sources said she hated seeing them both “so miserable.” A family-oriented person through and through, the source said she believed life was too short for making enemies – especially out of loved ones. Royal expert Phil Dampier added that Kate was doing her best to bring everyone together and help Meghan along, as she feels sorry for her.

    Archie’s first Christmas – without the Royal Family

    In the wake of the news regarding the alleged rift, more shocking news came our way when news spread that Harry and Meghan decided against spending Christmas with the rest of the Royal Family this year.

    Archie’s first Christmas – without the Royal Family

    Buckingham Palace confirmed that Harry, Meghan, and Archie would be skipping the traditional gathering at Sandringham, and instead spend Christmas in Canada during a six-week break. Of course, this may have only further stoke the flames surrounding the fab four’s relationship.

    Stepping back

    Shortly after arriving back from their holiday break, however, more upsetting news about the Sussexes came our way. The Palace confirmed that Meghan and Harry are stepping back from their roles as senior Royals, and intend on becoming financially independent.

    Stepping back

    This, of course, only strengthened the belief that the feud between the couples is just getting worse. While the world awaits to see what will happen next, William has allegedly spoken of his “sadness” regarding Harry’s decision, calling him and his brother “separate entities” and no longer a “team.”Michigan Drivers With No DUI’s Getting A Pay|SponsoredSponsoredPlay this game for 3 minutes and see why everyone is addictedTotal Battle – Online Strategy Game|SponsoredCPAP Makers Running Scared After New Snoring Solution UnveiledPurch Expert|SponsoredFan’s Photo with Jason Momoa Goes Viral for Obvious ReasonsThe Pop Fin|SponsoredHandmade in Switzerland: 24 hours and only one hand. The Slow Watch helps you to live for the|SponsoredThis New Joint-boosting Dog Chew Has Taken America By StormPetlab Co.|Sponsored



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