Tone Are
Contributing Writer
“That lean gon’ take you. That lean gon’ kill you, out the gate. That lean is going to kill you. People don’t think it but if you sip lean you’re on heroin. If you sip lean you’re on heroin – you’re addicted to heroin,” Boosie says in a recording that began circulating social media on Friday, September 21. “If you sip lean everyday you is on heroin. It’s a heroine liquid, man. When you piss for lean, and you piss for heroin, the same drug show up: opioids. It’s the same drug. Lean is heroin. It’s a liquid heroin,” he said.
The impact that codeine infused beverages have had on the hip hop community has undoubtedly made for a tragic legacy over the past several years. It has been attributed to the deaths of legends like Pimp C and artists like Fredo, who was taken at way too young of an age. The drug has also, at one point or another, been a source of struggle for the likes of Lil Wayne, Famous Dex, and other artists who’ve been hospitalized for what many have suspected to be their abuse of it.
Despite the growing awareness about how bad the drink is for one’s health, and how it has led to folks like Lil Baby, Bow Wow, Kid Trunks, DJ Mustard, FBG Duck, Mozzy and Stitches quitting, it remains a sore subject that some have found difficult to confront because of the taboos of addiction. There have been those who’ve stepped up to the plate to condemn its usage, as have J Cole, Russ, and Karueche, but many times their messages were perceived by those sympathetic to addiction as being too critical or condescending.
Boosie, however, has never bit his tongue about his opposition to the drink – and the manner in which he’s discussed it has been digested rather well by listeners. Such was the case back in 2017 when during a sit-down with VladTV, he discussed the attachment he once had to lean and how he at one time was, in fact, responsible for promoting the drug throughout his home region. But, since experiencing the withdrawals that came with it and how it impacted his quality of life, he’s become that friend who will throw a homeys cup away, he says.