Bey got the filter goin’ on!
Beyonce and the rest of the Carter clan kicked it and enjoyed the great outdoors yesterday before Bey hit the stage in Melbourne, Australia during her never-ending Mrs. Carter Show World Tour.
Jay Ztook a little time-out from his busy life to head Down Under and hang with la familia. Jay traded his fancy cars for a little black bicycle and fortunately, Bey was there to snap a picture as he cruised!
Even the usually serious Blue Ivy got in on the fun.
While dad tore it up on his bike, baby Blue played shy, ducking behind her over-sized sun hat. Blue showed off her precious zebra tee and mini skinny jeans – too cute!
After a full day of family fun, Bey prepped and got ready for her show that night, but not before she shared a selfie with the world. Queen Bey showed off her natural face and cute, curly locks for her fans.
Keep the pictures coming, Bey!