Two weeks after her name appeared in a scathing FBI document, Wayne County Circuit Judge Vonda Evans said she got some much anticipated news from the federal government Tuesday:She’s not a target in a corruption probe.
“We are pleased to advise that, after conferring and discussing this matter with (Assistant U.S. Attorney) Michael Bullotta, Judge Vonda Evans is neither a target nor a suspect in any federal investigation,” Evans lawyer, Todd Perkins, wrote in an e-mail to the Free Press.
“It is unfortunate that Judge Evans has had to defend her integrity in the public forum and must reassure her constituents and her supporters that she has been cleared of any wrongdoing,” Perkins wrote, adding “there is a reason why many investigations are not disclosed to the public as such disclosures may unfairly cast aspersions on people, like Judge Evans, who have done nothing wrong.”
Evans told the Free Press: “After over 20 years as a public servant, I am elated and relieved that my name has been cleared.”
The U.S. Attorney’s Office confirmed that Evans is not a target in the corruption probe.
At issue is a confidential FBI affidavit that was accidentally released in a federal court case on Dec. 22 involving towing mogul Gasper Fiore, who pleaded guilty to bribery last month. The affidavit includes the names of 18 individuals whom the FBI described as targets in a widespread corruption probe. Among the names that was listed in the affidavit, which was filed to seek wiretapping approval, was Evans.