Staff writer,
Sonya Purdy
This is the the debut of Sonya’s Views. Today was a good day! April Berry of the IN The Zone show and Sand44man of the Raw Talk Show, enjoyed the “Gone and Vent” show with the Pan-Africkan Prince, Dr. Umar Johnson. With no fear or hesitation, Dr. Umar answered the questions from the host and callers on topics such as his upcoming court battle in harrisburg, and also establishing the Garvey Academy. January 8, 2018 in Harrisburg Pennsylvania, Dr. Umar will go before the State Board of Psychology to argue the validity of the complaints made against him in an effort to determine whether his credentials should be revoked. Many have raised questions regarding his doctoral degrees, and now after proving there validity, that same cult of people want to strip him of all his credentials. Many callers spoke of their displeasure regarding this proceeding and took the opportunity to embed in the heart and mind of Prince Umar that they stand with him. Dr. Umar also expressed his desire to establish his Garvey Academy in or around the city of Detroit while also having interest in Chicago and Atlanta. The academy will work on the psychological and physical development of young black boys in a effort to empower them to be known by their name and their works and not a prisoner number. Check out the full interview on and on youtube/ventradio. Stay up to date with us as we will bring you updates on this trending situation. -Sonya Purdy