By  .
July 3, 2014

(BlackMediaScoop) A woman has become an advocate for social awareness around DIY fillers after having both her hands and feet amputated following botched injections she bought online. The injections turned out to be CAULK!

Apryl Brown, 47, was given just 24 hours to live by doctors after getting cheap silicone injections in her butt to get the derriere of her dreams.

Apryl Brown

The former hair stylist went for two sessions before having second thoughts and vowed no more, but the damage was done. After years of pain and doctor’s appointments, a staph infection connected to the silicone injections left Apryl fighting for her life.

Necrosis set in as her limbs began curling and turning black – her hands and feet were dying. “I didn’t think about losing my children. I didn’t think about leaving my mother,” Apryl admitted to CNN, as she recalled her horrific injuries. “Although I will be dead, I will not be in pain anymore.”

Doctor’s were forced to amputate both hands and feet, and it took 27 operations to save Apryl’s life.

Unfortunately Apryl is not the only case of botched DIY plastic surgery doctors have seen. As the pressure to stay young and beautiful grows, more people are turning to cheap fixes bought online or administered in back-street alleys.

“People assume it’s just as easy as getting your hair colored and at the end of the day it’s a medical procedure,” explained Dr. Richard Glogau, clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco.

Apryl Brown

Doctors tested the material that was injected into Apryl and found out it was caulk – the sealant used to plug gaps in walls. Getting back to normal has been tough for Apryl who has had to adapt to a life with prosthetics but she has a new purpose, a message for those considering DIY fillers.

“All I would ask them to do is, when you have that first thought, make sure they have a second thought about it and do a little research.”

“They won’t be blindsided, saying, ‘Oh, my God, I had no idea that a simple procedure like that can leave me with no hands, no feet and no butt cheeks.’”

What do you think?


– See more at: http://www.blackmediascoop.com/fake-butt-injections-cause-woman-to-lose-hands-feet/#sthash.iINQyrOU.dpuf

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