Dr. Umar Johnson Talks America’s War Against the Black Man


    As an educator and former principal, Dr. Umar Johnson takes the time to discuss the appropriateness of #TeacherBae’s form fitting attire. While DJ Vlad feels that the elementary school teacher was not dressed to suit her profession Umar asserts, “the way she’s dressed is relatively conservative compared to the way I see many teachers dress.” He goes to say that she shouldn’t be penalized for having a curvaceous body, and questions who is to blame in this scenario the employee or the system that allows teachers to wear what they’d like to school each day. He does, however, feel that the attire would be unacceptable if she were teaching anywhere from sixth to twelfth grade.

    He then uses how the Black man in society is criminalized in America to strengthen his point about who is responsible for enabling certain behaviors. “How about the system? That creates the reality; that necessitates that I commit a crime…desperation would make me consider going to the corner to sell that package; which is why we have to be very careful about blaming the person or separating them from the context in which the behavior took place. The context in which she wore that dress is that the unions in that school district make it allowable.”

    The self-proclaimed Pan-African also dives into why when his school, The Fredrick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy, is built he will not be hiring Black teachers who are interracial romantic relationships. His belief is that it is important for Black students to see the strengthen of healthy and positive Black relationships. And he explains the statistics on Black men marrying outside their race, Black women ranking amongst the lowest when it comes to marriage, and how that is an effect of self-hate in some sense. He also then explains why he does not feel a child can be biracial, and why it is hard for white mothers to be honest to their Black children.

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