93 Year Old Kills “Knock-Out Game” Thug


Posted on Dec 9, 2013Written by Admin


BE CAUTIOUS OF THIS NEW “GAME” BEING PLAYED! The daily news reports it is sending people to the hospital with broken jaws and missing and broken teeth, needing dental cosmetic surgery! This toxic group of juveniles must be stopped! Far too often we are seeing crime scene photos in the daily news. From the LA Daily News, to the NY Daily News! ——- St, Louis, MO — Gladis Bennett, 93 yr old grandmother, was on her way Saturday morning to visit her grandchildren. It was a special morning as it was her granddaughter’s 14th birthday.  She was waiting for the bus, viewing her bus route planner, that would take her downtown because she just donated her used car to charity. That is when everything changed for the worse. She was reading her bus route planner and suddenly she felt the sharp pain on the left side of her body. The force was so strong it knocked her down. When she looked up she could see a group of toxic young men just laughing at her.

One of them started kicking her. Before they could hurt her anymore she reach for her purse, pulled out her weapon and annihilated the main assailant. Thankfully the rest ran away after that. She was terrified, she was sure that this was the end of her life.



A homeless man who witnessed the attack told reporters Bennett acted like a super-hero. “I saw her get sucker punched from behind really, really hard. She hit the ground and then they all started kicking her. She got this huge pistol out of her purse and BOOM!… Headshot! Game over son, you know what I’m saying? She was like playing a 3D video shooting game on Xbox. Poor n*gga never ever had a chance.”

Bennett was attacked about a year prior to this incident. Her personal injury lawyer for that claim, prompted her to take measures to protect herself to the fullest. She said if she had not, who knows what that dangerous group of kids would’ve done to her.

Bennett was taken to the hospital with scrapes and bruises and was released later on that day. She is grateful she has all of her healthy teeth still in tact and does not need dental cosmetic surgery. She went all this time with beautiful white teeth! As for her 21 year old attacker, he was pronounced dead at the scene from a bullet wound to the head.


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