19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit


    Yes, we all live on 8 Mile. How’d you know?posted on Sept. 5, 2014, at 4:09 p.m.

    1. “Cool, what part?”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Clearly you’ve never been here; this question doesn’t help you fake it.

    2. “You know Eminem?”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Go read a book, dude. Eminem is the least of the talent that’s come from here.

    3. “Don’t cut me!”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    20th Century Fox / Via tumblr.com

    Because in middle school, after science and before math, we take shank-making class.

    4. “Is it really that bad?”

    Well there’s an Ebola outbreak and genocide in other places, but sure, Detroit is THE WORST PLACE YOU POSSIBLY COULD BE.

    5. “So you live on 8 Mile?”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Oh yeah, never heard that one before. :-/

    6. “Detroit, huh? It’s pretty fucked up out there.”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Warner Bros. Pictures / Via tumblr.com

    I’m sorry, I can’t hear you — your words are making my ears hurt. One of us should walk away now.

    7. “I’m a Bills/Browns/Chargers fan, so I know how it is.”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Bravo / Via tumblr.com

    We get it, we get it. Your football team sucks too, so we’re all in this together. You know ~exactly~ how it is to be from Detroit.

    8. “I was watching this thing on the news one time…”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    E! / Via Tumblr.com

    Never start a sentence this way. Nvr.

    9. “It’s so cooooooold in Tha D!”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    T-Baby / Via tumblr.com

    And you are.so.basic.

    10. “I heard you can buy a house for $1!”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    WE tv / Via tumblr.com

    I’m so glad this fascinates you. Tell me again how our real estate market sounds like an excellent opportunity for exploitation.

    11. “You mean ‘soda?’”

    "You mean 'soda?'"

    No, actually, I pronounced “pop” correctly, thanx!

    12. “You got some gators?”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Yup, they match my “pimp suit.”

    13. “Oh yeah, I have folks in Detroit.”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Nickelodeon / Via tumblr.com

    Oh goodie! I do too… ‘cause it’s home.

    14. “I bet you’re glad you got out of there.”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Disney / Via tumblr.com

    Couldn’t wait to flee from my family and friends!

    15. “What is there to do in Detroit?”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    NBC / Via tumblr.com

    The same stuff you probably do in your uncool little no-name hicktown. Except with style and flair.

    16. “I went there once.”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    WE tv / Via tumblr.com

    Usually followed by a story about how they didn’t actually go there, but the plane landed “at the Detroit airport” and then they went to visit one of their “buddies” in a suburb somewhere.

    17. “Put your hands up for Detroit!”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    Never heard it.

    18. “Oh yeah, I’m never going back there.”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    There’s over 700,000 people still there (some by choice, some with nowhere else to go), trying to work, go to school, raise families, and make a decent living despite our current conditions. We’re a tough, resilient bunch who are about action, not talk. And we don’t run from our problems. So you can stay gone!

    19. “So uh, Detroit… You think it’s gonna get any better?”

    19 Things You Should Never Say To Someone From Detroit

    ABC / Via tumblr.com

    Imagine you are looking at the remains of your house, which was just destroyed in a tornado/hurricane/wildfire, and someone says, “Boy, that’s tough. … You think things are gonna get any better?” Wouldn’t you want to punch them in the throat?

    And the answer to this, by the way, is yes.

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