Watch Danny Brown give Complex Magazine a tour of Detroit; controversial rapper likes breakfast weed


    Eric Lacy | elacy@mlive.comBy Eric Lacy | 
    Email the author | Follow on Twitter
    on October 04, 2013 at 9:58 AM, updated October 04, 2013 at 10:23 AM

    DannyBrown.pngDetroit rapper Danny Brown is known for controversy and gave Complex Magazine a look at how his hometown shaped his screenshot

    DETROIT, MI – Controversial rapper Danny Brown, a Detroit native, sat down with Complex Magazine to tell some personal stories about his musical influences and hometown.

    Check out the revealing videos below that show Brown smoking weed for breakfast and taking portrait shots in his old Detroit neighborhood. He mentions how the history of rap and hip hop shaped his unique style.

    Photographer Jonathan Mannion explains the project and what it was like spending time with Brown in Detroit.

    One of the images shows Brown in front of his mother’s house, and there are other shots of him in the city and a variety of locations that made an impact on his life.

    Mannion on taking photos of Brown:



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