Touch The Sky! Kanye West’s 13 Best Music Videos…Of ALL TIME (VIDEOS)


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    Kanye’s bound to many things, but the two most important things he’s bound to are his art and Kim Kardashian’s voluptuous bosom.

    Earlier today, Kanye’s “Bound 2″ music video featuring his wifey-to-be Kim Kardashian hit the ‘net, and well, the internet exploded, making it the number one trending topic on Twitter. The Nick Knight-directed video was sexually scenic to say the very least, but hey, we enjoyed it.

    Over the past decade, Kanye has created so many epic videos. From hilarious visuals like “Touch The Sky” and “The New Workout Plan,” to thought-provoking videos like “Diamonds From Sierra Leone” and “All Falls Down,” Kanye is a master of art and a master of vision.

    So in honor of Kanye’s creative genius, we rounded up our 13 personal favorite Kanye West videos and ranked them accordingly. The job was no easy task. Kanye has over 44 music videos to-date, but we rounded it down to his 13 best.

    Take a look back at Kanye’s 13 best music videos of all time below.

    13. Kanye West- “Can’t Tell Me Nothing”

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