Parris Franz Doing It BIG! In Hit Stage Play (Pic Inside)



    TGIF.. Good morning! Rehearsals went GREAT last night. Few weeks left till ANGRY INSECURE MEN hits The Acme Theater Hollywood. October 3-5.. 6 shows. Please support my story and get your tickets.. Bringing awareness to‪#‎DomesticViolence‬. My story is all about the ‪#‎Survival‬. Abuse is not a joke, if your in a this type of relationship please get out!!! Many women are losing their lives because they don’t have a voice to speak up and get help. Don’t live your life in fear and being controlled.. Use your ‪#‎Voice‬ while you still have breath in your body.
    Call your local domestic violence hotline. Shelters are available just for women in this situation.

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    Gone And Vent

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