Marques Houston Gets Restraining Order Against Raz-B


    marques houston raz b

    The feud between Marques Houston and Raz-B has escalated to a whole new level.  According to TMZ, Houston has filed a restraining order against his former friend and band member.  Houston claims the feud began when Raz-B posted a Youtube video, in which he accused Houston of molesting him.  In the filed documents Houston says the video “”has caused me emotional distress and caused me to fear he will be violent toward himself and others.”

    READ:  Marques Houston on Raz-B: “He Likes Attention” [VIDEO]

    Houston also claims Raz-B has threatened him online several times, causing him to fear for his life and that of his girlfriend, family and friends.  The judge granted Houston a temporary restraining order, requiring Raz-B to stay at least 100 feet away.
    A hearing is scheduled for Monday morning to determine if the restraining order can be made permanent.

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