featuring Lathun Grady and Charles “Gator” Moore
The lighting of cultural phenomenon only strikes once in a great while, and its no doubt it has struck again with the new release of “Hold On I’m Coming” performed by Lathun Grady and Charles “Gator” Moore. The combination is not only magical but also simply spectacular. If you have any doubt in love, charity and hope, this is the performance that tells you it exists.
Find out now, check out their performance at www.duckpuppies.com or on You Tube at http://youtu.be/Ayh8G-eQzts
Already having the attention of industry legend Al Bell and centered as the theme song for the iconic Duck Puppies and Friends, “Hold On I’m Coming” brings it back to solid “feel good” music that is in the grooves while connecting the energy and flow to a much younger audience that creates and entirely new presence that will be followed for generations to come.
“Hold On I’m Coming” will not only touch your soul, it will also touch your heart. A major portion of the proceeds from the music sells go to support such organizations as Ted Lindsay Foundation (www.tedlindsay.com)and Friendship Circle (www.friendshipcirlcle.com) that support autism research advocacy along with a host of others. You may purchase it as a single or the entire EP from Duck Puppies website (www.duckpuppies.com) or I-Tunes, Amazon and other digital download locations. Also, look for it at your local retailer.
Look for more music, games and video releases coming soon.
From your friends for life the DUCK PUPPIES, if you don’t know, you better ask somebody.
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