Big Boy Sued Radio Station Says He’ll Leave The Neighborhood Over Their Dead Body!


Big Boy — one of the biggest personalities in radio — is apparently too popular for his own good. The communications group that ran his show for decades claims Big Boy has betrayed them by jumping to a competitor and they are hell-bent on stopping it.

Emmis is taking it real personal, saying it discovered Big Boy more than 20 years ago when he was working as a bodyguard, and turned him into one of the most dynamic personalities on the air.

Big Boy was making $1.45 million a year — plus bonuses and a car — but his contract was up at the end of this month. According to the suit, Big Boy got an offer from iHeartMedia of $3.5 million plus other royalties and perks, including the use of a private jet.

But Emmis says it has a right under the existing deal to match a competitor’s offer and keep him, and says that’s exactly what it did … but he told the company he was leaving anyway.

The outlet that carries Big Boy’s Neighborhood in L.A. — Power 106 FM — started Wednesday’s morning drive … his usual shift … by just playing music without a DJ.

But Emmis is on the attack, asking a judge for an order prohibiting Big Boy from bailing. Emmis also wants $5 million.

We called Big Boy … so far no answer.

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