Staff Writer
Recently, Glokknine’s interview with VladTV went viral after the rapper made comments saying he doesn’t want to have kids with a black girl. Since then, many have responded to clip, and now Willie D of the Geto Boys has chimed in.
Via his Instagram page, Willie D said “They really did a number on black people’s self-worth. Black people have the most powerful genetics in the world, yet many have bought into the European standard of beauty to the extent they hate themselves and that from which they came. The mentality is like a rich person being shamed for their prosperity by poor people to the point they abandon their wealth to become homeless.”
From there, he gave a rundown on colorism and advantages of having more pigment in your skin. He concluded by saying “It’s not exclusively Glokknine’s fault that he feels that way. Although it’s his job to self-correct, it starts at home. Teach your kids about who they are and if you don’t know enough about yourself, learn and pass it on. If you don’t have elder advisors, pick up a book. Also, Google is your friend. 💪🏾.” ⠀
Source: instagram.com