Usher Could Face MORE Herpes-Related Lawsuits, Attorney Lisa Bloom Says Other Women Have Contacted Her


Usher’s could be in for some serious trouble now that his Herpes diagnosis has been made public.

After settling a lawsuit with Maya Fox-Davis in 2012, another woman came forward just yesterday alleging she and Usher had unprotected sex this year. She’s filed a lawsuit for $10 million.

Now, according to attorney Lisa Bloom, even more women have come forward with allegations they’ve been exposed to Herpes by having unprotected sex with Usher.

How much unprotected sex did Usher have after his herpes diagnosis? Women are reaching out to me. How dare he endanger women’s health?

How much unprotected sex did Usher have after his herpes diagnosis? Women are reaching out to me. How dare he endanger women’s health?

It’s also a violation of criminal law in many states to have unprotected sex without disclosure of your STD. As it should be.

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