Meeting the parents is definitely the most stressful part of any relationship. So how did Birdman handle it?
Well, we’ve got a sneak peak of the rapper’s first interaction with boo Toni Braxton’s family at a chic dinner and, if the towel is any indication (that will make sense in a minute), it was definitely a stressful affair.
“So I invited B to dinner tonight, but he didn’t know my dad was going to be there.” Which sounds like the perfect recipe for a little reality TV drama on Braxton Family Values.
Braxton and Birdman, real name Bryan Williams, have been friends for going on 15 years, and only have just recently been, *ahem*, exploring a more serious relationship. Hence the big family intro.
Although one of the sisters immediately asked the question we were all thinking: “Why is your shirt unbuttoned like that?… Button all the way down here to your navel! Really?! Who does that?”
But really, when the intros finally happen, Braxton’s dad sounds like anyone’s dad upon meeting a heavily tattooed, heavily exposed hip-hop artist. He asks a bunch of nonsense surface questions before finally admitting, “I’ve never met a rapper.”
Also, fun fact, Birdman has a towel guy. Because that’s obviously a thing.
Check out the full clip below, and try not to feel too sorry for the clearly nervous rap superstar!