Ricky Bell To our beloved and devoted fans;



I know that some of you may be a bit confused and/or disappointed that “NE”, as you know us, is not going on tour at this time. Trust me when I tell you I’m just as disappointed as you are. Especially after pouring out our hearts to you guys in the form of the “New Edition Story”… we know that you’ve come to expect excellence from us.

Although I’m not able to go into specific details at this very moment, I will say this much – Nobody gets kicked out of NE anymore. Those days are long behind us.

Like all families we have differences that plague us and those indifferences must be dealt with and smoothed out for us to function as the single unit that will allow us to tour as NE again. To be completely honest, I, for one, will rely on God’s infinite wisdom and timing to orchestrate the right time and place for that to happen. But make no mistake about it, when that time comes please know that Ricky Bell will be there front and center ready to rock like the old days!

As always, I will be at every meeting, rehearsal and on every conference call (early to be exact). I’m willing to do my part to ensure that the legacy that you, our beautiful fans, have helped us build and sustain for the better part of 30 plus years.

Meanwhile, as we trust God to work all of this out for us, we still must feed our families all while attempting to protect our legacy from being destroyed by the lies and deceit of the enemy.

In closing, I thank you in advance for your undying support and fervent prayers for a resolution. You are indeed our cherished gift from above.

God Bless You!

With Love,


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