Jay-Z Turns Down Offer To Perform At Super Bowl


Reports are suggesting superstar rapper Jay-Z has turned down a major opportunity.

(AllHipHop News) Superstar businessman Jay-Z has grown so prominent, that he has snubbed an opportunity most rappers would jump on – the Super Bowl.

According to a report in The Sun, reps for the NFL offered Hov the coveted Super Bowl Half-Time show in 2018.

“He has enough songs to create an incredible performance but he really has no plans to do the half-time show,” a source told The Sun.

Reports suggested organizers are looking for someone can top Lady Gaga, who drew in over 117 million viewers for the 2017 Half-Time show.

But, the list is short.

Artists who have already performed during the most watched televised event on television in the United States include Jay’s wife Beyonce, Coldplay, Usher, Missy Elliott and others.

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