Janet Jackson Leaves Husband After 5-Years And Stands To Make Half A BILLION Dollars


janet jackson


Janet Jackson reportedly officially split from her third husband, Qatari Wissam Al Mana, and the timing couldn’t be worse: Jackson just had her first baby (at age 50!) with Wissam a few months ago.

But according to some reports, it may be the case that Jackson has wanted out of this relationship for a long, long while.

The couple met back in 2010 and married 2 years later. Jackson had been married before, but both were unconventional affairs; the first was when she eloped at 18 with a singer, and that lasted just 3 months. She was also secretly married to Rene Elizondo throughout most of the ‘90s, but that relationship only became officially known when she paid him off in the divorce.

So really, this is the first ‘traditional’ marriage Jackson’s been apart of. And on the surface, everything seemed fine. Their first child, a baby boy named Eissa, was born in January, and from an outsider’s perspective, she’s been inseparable from the infant, hardly ever seen outside of the home.

But dig a little deeper, and there’ve been plenty of hints that life’s not all sunshine and rainbows for Jackson. Fans will have noticed that her dress and demeanor has changed at concerts; she’s gone from the wild, racy star everyone loves to putting on much more conservative performances, even speaking in Arabic during concerts. These changes are being blamed on Wissam, who’s a very strict practicing Muslim.

That control over her life seems to have ratcheted up after the pregnancy was announced. Apparently he has very specific demands about how the child should be raised, and has been a major factor in keeping Janet out of the spotlight since.


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