50 Cent was all over Instagram on Wednesday afternoon pushing for Soulja Boy and Chris Brown to settle their recent beef in the ring, and now it looks like the fight might actually go down.
It seemed as though Soulja Boy was ready to squash the beef on Wednesday — apologizing and offering to make music with Brown — but then Thursday morning, he shared a clip of himself with his “trainer/big brother” Floyd Mayweather promoting the fight.
In an Instagram post, it seemed as though 50 Cent wasn’t happy to see Soulja Boy apologize, saying: “Tell Soulja I said stop apologizing, get the Draco out build up the hype for the fight. #putthemoneyonthewood I’m covering the bet for every set.”
Fiddy went even further, saying that Floyd Mayweather himself had agreed to promote the fight: “We talking money now, BIG MONEY CHAMP said he will take the bet. Mayweather promotions is gonna promote the fight. This is the shut up, or put the money up challenge. #wherethebagat”
It was at this point that Breezy let the world know he was ready to take on Soulja in the ring, for the right price. Commenting on 50 Cent’s Instagram video, Brown said: “Make sure these niggas get our money right! WE ONE BUY A YAUGHT [sic] AFTER THIS.”
In another post on his own account he “It’s been amazing to see how many people tune in to negativity.NOW THAT WE HAVE YOUR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION… BOXING MATCH SET. Legally. Man to man.”
Brown went on to tag Adrien Broner, Floyd Mayweather and 50 Cent in the comment.
Fiddy’s also gone far enough as to share a flyer for the fight with the Money Team and Mayweather Promotions logo.