March 12, 2018

Courtesy Photo – Andreana Beard – A T-Rose Entertainment Product
This thirteen-year-old playwright, actress, director and producer wrote her first play, “Christmas Love” at the age of nine.
It’s about a little girl who “wanted something very special for Christmas but asked Jesus for it instead of Santa Claus.” What she wanted was a father and she had the faith that she would receive it. The plot of the play goes something like this, “her mother reconnected with a guy she dated in college, but he didn’t know that she’d had a baby that she kept secret from him.” Upon learning of the child, “they resumed the relationship and around her 12th Christmas” her dream came true. The couple married and God “blessed her with a father.”
What inspired this young child to write such a profound play? Andreana enjoys watching Tyler Perry movies and believes “it’s really cool to put something in your mind to act out just as you imagined it.” She enjoys expressing her creativity through music and dance as well, but writing plays is really her forte’.
Andreana not only wrote and produced “Christmas Love” but she also directed it last year at the Charles Wright Museum in Detroit, Michigan. The 120-minute production comprised of six scenes, filled the house and made a sizeable profit that allowed her to play all expenses that included a stipend for twelve cast members. Her business venture is Andreanna Beard Productions, LLC.
Currently, she is writing another play for an upcoming production. “Listen” is about children who have experienced sexual molestation, bullying and suicidal ideation, as well as “other things kids struggle with.” She was motivated to write about this topic because of observing peers who have experience these issues.
On Sunday, April 22nd, Andreana will appear as a guest correspondent with the Girl’s Entrepreneur Expo at the Boys & Girls Club, 16500 Tireman Street, Detroit, Michigan, from 2pm to 5pm. It is sponsored by the T-Rose Foundation. She met Theresa Randleman at the Detroit production of “When Men Pray” and they instantly fell in love with each other.
Included in this interview, Andreana gave me a sampling of her melodic, soprano vocals singing her rendition of “This is Me” from the movie “The Greatest Showman.” It’s a song that her Livonia school district Principal personally requested for an upcoming performance.
One thing I learned is that Andreana is quite modest because Mama Beard added key information that takes her talents to an entirely new level. According to Kim Beard, her daughter has “performed this play three times!” She said, “this past December Tony Grant (a leading Tyler Perry actor) had a leading role in “Christmas Love.” Not only is Grant her mentor, but played her father!
She also added that “Andreana works a lot.” Recently, she’s been working as casting director in “several productions.”
Added to her credits, the eighth-grader is an eleven-time beauty pageant winner! She’s been competing since she was 3-1/2 years old when she won her very first pageant.
“I didn’t really want her to do pageants because it’s so labor intensive,” her mother said. “But Andreana is naturally gifted on so many levels that it’s hard to hold her back. Everything she does is a gift from God because she’s never been formally trained.”
“At the age of four, Andreana got involved with the Make-A-Wish List Foundation,” Kim Beard said. “She sold tickets and her plaques raised all the money needed to honor a little girl’s wish for a swimming pool. My daughter received a Congressional Award and the Make-A-Wish flag was flown over the U.S. Capitol in her honor. She was six-years old when this took place.”
Another significant accomplishment of the young playwright was her active role in the Motor City Make-Over where she was crowned for helping restructure the City of Detroit.
Andreana stays grounded by spending time with friends who are aware of her talents but “treat her normal; nothing special.” It makes her happy that they attend her plays. Also, she’s involved with Burning Bush International Ministries and leads worship for the youth group at her grandfather’s church in Northville, MI. The young producer/singer/actress’ favorite gospel singer is Deitrick Haddon. Another vocalist that she enjoys is pop singer, Ed Sheeran. Rap music ranks high on her many interests, “but it can’t have any bad words in it.”
Keep your eyes and ears open for this young lady. I have a feeling that the best is yet to come!