Amber Rose Says #MeToo Movement Has Become About Rich White Women


Amber Rose reiterated her frustrations with the #MeToo Movement, suggesting that the crusade appears to be focused on “rich white woman.” Speaking to TMZ on Sunday, Rose says she is in “support” of the #MeToo Movement, but she feels campaign has to focus on all women, considering the fact it was founded by a black woman.

When the reporter says he was “disturbed’ Rose’s past comments critiquing the movement, Rose replied, “Every woman deserves justice, is what I said. I just feel like a Black woman started it and then she just didn’t get the recognition that she deserved, and then it just became about rich white women. Although they deserve justice as well just like every other woman – um just don’t leave us out, that’s all I’m saying.”

The #MeToo movement was started by activist Tarana Burke in 2006, but the hashtag gained notoriety in the mainstream following the allegations into Harvey Weinstein last year. However, this is not the first time Rose has called out the movement for perceived whitewashing.

Back in March, Rose slammed the crusade for its exclusion of different minority groups. “It’s kind of very frustrating to me because all of a sudden, feminism became such a mainstream thing,” Rose explained to The Raw Word. “Now that white. No shade, white rich actresses start coming out and saying, ‘Me too, me too. But what happened to all of us? What happened to the strippers, and the LGBTQ community?” Rose said “And the black girls in college. You know no one wanted to talk about these people.”

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