We (3Keies) believe that the interview with Vent Radio “SPINDY ALL INDIE ” on January, 6 ,2017, was very exceptional. This was our very first radio interview. We enjoyed ourselves we actually had fun, and at the same time we learned so much. (Jada), one of the members of 3Keies said, “I was a little shakey at first, but as we continued I warmed up”. Now ,that interview has already been done , we are able to look back on the mistakes we might have made and make necessary corrections. We now have the opportunity of changing things in the future that we wish we could have made during this interview , or things we wish we could have said differently after the interview was over. (Nya), another member of 3Keies, declared, ” The next interview will definitely be a lot better then the first, now that I know what to expect”. We (3Keies) will most definitely come back much harder, confident, clearly and with much more to say on our next interview.(Faith), also a member of 3Keies, said, “3Keies has three different flavors, three different sounds, and Raw talent , In which ,all of those characteristics combined is something explosive “! This interview will be used as a Self reflection for our future interviews, so stay Intrigued for more greatness that will be brought to the table. We 3Keies would like to take this time to Thank Vent Radio for having us on the show. We would also like to thank the host Big Glen for such an amazing interview , a big thank you to Looze for making all of this possible ,and last but not least we would like to thank all of you who listened in live or viewed it later on YouTube. Your support is definitely appreciated. We look forward to our future stay tuned 3Keies is just getting started!!